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Success Story - Reskilling

Zurich Insurance

On a mission to retrain 3,000 employees for the future of work.


Zurich Insurance is a global insurance company and one of the largest of its kind in the UK. With a Future of Work priority, the company required precise projections to guide their Strategic Workforce Planning and aimed to achieve this with data-led insights on:

  • Impacts on the current workforce from emerging technologies
  • Impacts on the business from talent shortages for future roles
  • Optimal job pathways and reskilling requirements to lead to the ideal workforce composition for the future


Faethm by Pearson assisted Zurich Insurance to undertake a comprehensive workforce analysis.

We identified:

  • 270 robotics, data science and cyber security roles unfilled by 2024 without a prepared workforce
  • £1 million savings in recruitment and redundancy costs via upskilling initiatives

“Whilst we can’t ignore the benefits that automation brings, it’s important to retain, nurture and educate our teams. It’s crucial that we factor the future skills requirements for the business into the process now. If we know what’s coming, we can start transitioning existing employees into new careers today.””

— John Keppel, COO of Zurich Insurance​


Informed bu Faethm by Pearson insights, Zurich Insurance reskilling, hiring, and technology strategies have led to:

  • An investment of £1 million into reskilling staff in 2020 alone
  • A plan to retrain two-thirds of the Zurich insurance workforce for future roles
  • Seven employees undertaking a Data Science Apprenticeship degree
  • Over 120 automated interventions introduced to process over a million transactions a year, with a further 100 in the pipeline

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