Critical capabilities for the future
Future capabilities are the innate human attributes that no robot can replace, and the digital literacies needed to succeed in an increasingly digitised and data-driven workplace.
Faethm provides targeted gap analysis to future state in order to focus your L&D budget to level-up the organisation with the right capabilities to the right employees.
Prioritise development of the capabilities most critical for the future.
Understand the current and future impacts of emerging technologies on capabilities.
Pinpoint exactly where the capability gaps
exist and act now to close the gaps.
Gain a clear view of the capability maturity level required for each role into the future.
Capability Finder
Use Faethm's interactive analytics tool to evaluate current capability strengths and weaknesses in your workforce, and review the future state of capabilities needed for each role.
Capability Snapshot
Receive a summary report of capability gaps across your workforce and Faethm's recommendations on prioritising uplift for those that are critical to your strategic advantage.